Futurism |See NASA’s Posters For The Landmark Earth-Like Planet Discovery

In Brief In order to celebrate the discovery of a seven planet system that holds a plethora of Earth-like worlds, NASA made stunning a poster advertising life on the planet and showcasing the respective orbits of the alien worlds. In case you missed it, the science world was abuzz yesterday. NASA announced their latest exoplanet…

Daily Science |Hubble gazes at a cosmic ‘megamaser’

This megamaser galaxy is named IRAS 16399-0937 and is located over 370 million light-years from Earth. This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image belies the galaxy’s energetic nature, instead painting it as a beautiful and serene cosmic rosebud. The image comprises observations captured across various wavelengths by two of Hubble’s instruments: the Advanced Camera for Surveys…

Futurism |METI to Send Interstellar Messages in 2018

In Brief The Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence (METI) Initiative is planning to a program of directed signaling toward the nearest potentially habitable planets, set to begin in 2018. It’s simply the latest in long tradition of attempts to signal our cosmic neighbors—from the Arecibo message and space probe plaques and records of the 70s, to more…

Futurism |Newfound Comets to Help Ring in the New Year

In Brief A newly-discovered comet has arrived just in time to help us celebrate the New Year—and you might even be able to see it with the naked eye. Meanwhile, NASA’s NEOWISE mission has discovered another curious object, one that seems to muddle the distinction between comets and asteroids, that’s newly-arrived in the Earth’s neighborhood….